Just in Case You Were Waiting On This

Dear most cooperative baby in my womb,

I have to admit, the past few weeks have been quite busy as we have made preparations for you.  I've had a lot on my plate, and I was praying each day that you would stay put.  Now today is the day that was assigned as your due-date, and somehow we've beaten all odds and are quite ready for your appearance.

I love the fact that you have been so obedient until this point, but now I have a new message:  We're Ready!!

And in case you were worried about your new little sweater, don't be.  It's waiting for you, too:

Yes, I know it looks a little incomplete, but the edging shall wait until you arrive.  I need to know which hat and bootie set to match, and then make the decision on which edging I will do.  So- no worries, just make an appearance!




It's true.  Today is my due date.  Since Elise was a few days early, I never thought I would make it to this point with my second, so now I admit I'm getting a little antsy.  Last night I had the first decent night of sleep that I've had all week.  I woke up early, before Joe and Elise, in order to take a long, relaxing shower and enjoy a little extra pampering time.  You know- just in case.  I'm feeling well-rested and ready for delivery (well, as ready as anyone ever wants to be I suppose).  

Will this baby listen to my plea and come today?  We all know second children are most considerate, and this babe is the product of two second children- here's hoping!

As far as the edging on my Milk sweater, I'm thinking about coordinating it with the hat and bootie sets I made last week.  So, If we end up with a little guy, it will be the variegated blue and green edging seen here: 

And if we end up with another little lady, I'll go purple:

In the original pattern, Milk has a beautiful scalloped crocheted edge.  

Can't you see why I am totally in love with this wee sweater?!?  If we have a girl, I will definitely keep the crocheted edging.  If it is a boy, I may knit a moss stitch border.  I have done up a little test swatch to practice and figure out what I like best.  Of course this means more hospital knitting, but I'm no rookie when it comes to that. Elise's coming home ensemble was waiting on gender specific button and a few extra details, too.  The only real problem I foresee is that I don't actually know how to crochet- any good tutorials out there? 

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