
Maybe it was just something that was popular in my time*, or maybe it was even a regional thing, but Friday afternoons at round Elementary school always had some time reserved for DEAR- Drop Everything And Read.

It's a lovely concept, but admittedly, I have never implemented such a thing into my adult life. Finding time to read means a visit to audible.com to find an audio book to listen to while I drive or knit.

So, today I will keep the concept, but change it to fit my lifestyle (well, sort of).  Somewhere between deciding with a friend that we would be going to Greenfield Village tomorrow and... oh, well... sanity- I decided that Elise needed a cute new sweater to wear.

And although I would truly like to DEAK (Drop Everything and Knit), I have to be honest with myself. I still have a 8 hour workday ahead of me.  Oh yeah, and a baby to take care of with a husband that will be out of town (remember that sanity I was talking about- yeah, I lost that due to knittin' brain). 

So now, the only thing stopping me from yet another ridiculous self-imposed goal is time and that ball of yarn.  Can I do it??

*In this case- 'my time' refers to elementary school in the late 80's/early 90's